Thursday, May 21, 2009

Garab Rinpoche's program in Taipei & Taichung, May 2009


~~~尊貴的 董瑟 噶拉仁波切法語


淨除業障煩惱、累積福德資糧 修【薈供】以供養上師、佛法僧三寶、護法,積聚六度波羅蜜資糧,是快速積聚福慧資糧的殊勝修法,【薈供】具足四種事業-息災、增益、懷攝、降伏,更是密乘行者行大懺悔的一種殊勝法門,與會者悉皆可成就不可思議的薈供功德,享用薈供之甘露妙味時,更可獲得無上諸佛菩薩的加持。 台北中心於開光吉祥日,特別恭請尊貴的 董瑟 噶拉仁波切帶領眾弟子舉辦「敦珠新巖傳三根本」之薈供修法,並開示六度中陰法,以利益有情眾生。

~~~ 98年5月份最新法訊 ~~~

5/21-24 的活動主法上師為: 尊貴的 董瑟噶拉仁波切

5月19日(二)藏曆 3月25日(空行母吉祥日)
晚上 7:00 ~ 10:00

下午 3:00 ~ 5:00
晚上 7:30 ~ 9:30

下午 3:00 ~ 5:00
給薩風馬轉運密壇城 吉祥修法財寶密壇城吉祥修法
晚上 7:30 ~ 9:30
給薩風馬轉運密壇城吉祥修法財寶密壇城吉祥修法之 成就加持

台北敦珠中心中華敦珠佛學苑台北市南京西路165 號 4 樓

(請由167巷進入) Tel: 02-25562745 Fax: 02-25568939

5月23日 (六) 下午 3:00 ~ 5:30

5月24日 (日) 下午 2:00 ~ 6:00


Tel: 04-24969688 Fax: 04-24969699

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Garab Rinpoche & little girls

Little Lumi in VERY good hands: Garab Rinpoche's :)
Rinpoche is missing his little Shunia

Friday, May 08, 2009

Garab Rinpoche blesses Pemagatshelpas

His Eminence Dungsey Garab Rinpoche administered a throm wang to more than 4000 people at Dorji Chhoeling Goenpa in Pemagatshel on January 31.

Rinpoche also presided over a day-long Throema Tshokhor on January 30 along with some 300 local Throema practitioners comprising people from all walks of life.

This was preceded by seven days of cleansing and empowerment ritual of Gesar Saang and Serkem for continued well-being of Tsawasum. A Sachhu Bumter ceremony was also conducted to enrich and restore earth elements and sanctify environment by the nuns and tshampas of the goenpa.

It was also a privileged moment for Throema practitioners as they received sacred initiations and teachings for the first time from His Eminence. Many of the lay practitioners said that they felt assured and confident after receiving the initiations.

Hundreds of devotees took home Sachhu Bumter Vase and Throema statues. Proceeds from the sale of vases and statues were presented to the nuns of the goenpa.

People from as far as Yurung, a day’s walk from the goenpa, came to receive the blessing. This is Rinpoche’s second visit to the goenpa after it was offered to him by one of his foremost disciples, Lam Singye Dradok, in March 2007.

On the day of the wang, the hour-long footpath to the goenpa saw an endless river of people all ages. Occasionally, the human stream got jammed whenever a few elderly people found negotiating some hostile stretch of the path difficult or when mothers with infants on their back tried to be cautious.

Abi Thinley, in her sixties, ensured that her frail elder sister did not miss the blessing of Rinpoche and accompanied her to the wang. “An occasion like this rarely comes our way and that is why, I am keen on ensuring that my sister does not miss it,” she said.

Sangay Dorji from Gamong village and Sangay Dendup from Yalang village said that almost all the people from their villages locked up their houses and came for the blessing with packed lunch. “We cannot think of missing a rare occasion like this,” Sangay said.

Dorji Chhoeling Goenpa is earlier known as Totpalung Goenpa. Lam Singye Dradok’s grandfather, a respected laymonk, spent most of his life meditating there. Lam Singye revived the reputation of the place by building a small but beautiful Zangdogpelri Lhakhang and offering it to Garab Rinpoche. Today, Lam Singye privately supports 26 anims and some drupdepas of the goenpa.

With Garab Rinpoche making his annual visit to the goenpa, and many volunteers coming forth with their pledge to support the goenpa in any way possible, the continuity of the legacy of a serene Dorji Chhoeling Goenpa remains assured.

By Gyembo Namgyel

Young Bhutanese: Buddhism is our wisdom, culture is our method

An organization of young Bhutanese Buddhists is celebrating Lord Buddha’s birthday in a modern way on May 19 this year with pictures, songs and sweets.

The Druk Nangpei Zhoennu is guided by His Eminence Garab Rinpoche and has about 800 members.

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