Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Typhoon Morakot 莫拉克〈獨家〉惡水吞金帥飯店 10秒橫躺知本溪

And the now already internationally notorious 10 seconds at Taitung's mountainous hot springs resort 知本. Just until the day before a whole row of houses and a street separated this hotel from the river...
Notice how 3 hours after the fatal moment, all but 3 floors have disappeared.
This is NOT Hollywood.

Typhoon Morakot 莫拉克颱風(20090810) 台東太麻里 兇猛洪水 無情沖走民宅!!

Also from the same beautiful aboriginal area of Taimali, Taitung. Someone's 3-storeyed home of solid concrete...

Typhoon Morakot 【莫拉克颱風】八八水災/台東嘉蘭村20幾戶民宅被沖入太平洋

All this happened right there near Taitung