H.H. Dungsey Garab Dorje Rinpoche
December 30, 2005 ~ January 1, 2006
In XinDian, Taipei County
Krodikali - The 100,000 Recitations on Merit Accumulation
Fire Puja
Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Yesterday's lottery
Of the 12 numbers that we had altogether, we got 1 right :D
So the point lies elsewhere.
So the point lies elsewhere.
December 19, Garje Khamtul Rinpoche's birthday
For me it kicked off with a rather dismaying surprise- when I was warming up my motorbike to go to work, out of clear sunshine it started raining, the kind of thick drizzle, so I had to rush back upstairs (I was late already) to get the waterproof outer layer for my down jacket. The sun kept on shining through the rain. Well, that I've seen- usually for a few minutes. Yet, the weather just went on doing it all through the day, and rainbows appeared, strong and clear.
Just my imagination? Illusion anyway :)
At least Lama Shenphen pointed out the rainbow when we were (sic! to create the CAUSE in addition to the CONDITIONS) buying lottery (today's jackpot was something like a billion NT$- haven't checked the numbers yet). We made a deal to split the loot. And I still have a promise to halve 50 million if I make it...
No matter what, the day was magical, one of important beginnings.
Just my imagination? Illusion anyway :)
At least Lama Shenphen pointed out the rainbow when we were (sic! to create the CAUSE in addition to the CONDITIONS) buying lottery (today's jackpot was something like a billion NT$- haven't checked the numbers yet). We made a deal to split the loot. And I still have a promise to halve 50 million if I make it...
No matter what, the day was magical, one of important beginnings.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche
December 4, Taipei
Friday, December 09, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Addendum to Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's message - 補充說明:宗薩欽哲仁波切的訊息與指示
Dear everyone,
Please as an addendum...do not be alarmed at all for Thrinley Norbu Rinpche's health! Next year is a dog year and so it is standard to do long life prayers etc. Please make sure everyone knows.
悉達多本願會 敬上
Dear everyone,
Please as an addendum...do not be alarmed at all for Thrinley Norbu Rinpche's health! Next year is a dog year and so it is standard to do long life prayers etc. Please make sure everyone knows.
悉達多本願會 敬上
Monday, December 05, 2005
Message to all, especially people connected with Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Thrinley Norbu Rinpoche
Dear friends,
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche says: "Those who have a Vajrayana link with me, meaning those who have had ngondro transmission or lung from me, I am requesting each of you to do just 100 of the 100 syllable Vajrasattva and dedicate the merit to the long life of Thrinley Norbu Rinpche so that he can continue to benefit many sentient beings."
Can you please make sure this information is disseminated to the sangha of people who are connected in this way to Rinpoche? And please keep track of the number of people who are doing this so Rinpoche can know how many were done.
Siddhartha's Intent
Dear friends,
Thanks for everybody's enthusiastic reaction.
We all hope that a great master like Thrinley Norbu Rinpoche can continue to stay in the world and benefit more sentient beings.
Let me explain here about the numbers:
Although Rinpoche is requesting each of us to recite only 100 times (i.e. one round of prayer beads), of course the more you do the better. Rinpoche would also like to know the final total number of the recitations.
Therefore, if you feel like reciting more you could email me the last total every day or, for example, after every extra 100 recitations. For instance, if a day earlier you recited 100 times, but today another 200 times, please email Ms. Zhou SuQing tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw your name and total number of 300 times (100+200). When you increase the numbers, we will use your last email's data as total.
Rinpoche did not mention when he would call again so we do not know when this mission would come to an end; therefore, please just recite as much as you can and keep us posted.
This matter is rather urgent yet many Dharma friends are not reachable by email, so if you know of anyone who is not on the contact list, we would be very thankful if you could deliver them the message.
Lastly, please send your emails to tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw, do not directly reply to this email. Aida is just doing the mailing for these couple of days.
We would once again like to express our deepest gratitude.
Siddhartha's Intent Buddhist Center
Zhou SuQing
Email請寄至 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw 周素卿
悉達多本願佛學會 敬上
我們大家都希望像聽列諾布仁波切這樣的大師能夠繼續住世, 利益更多的眾生.
雖然仁波切只要求我們每個人念100遍(也就是1圈), 但當然是能越多越好....
您可以在每天, 或甚至是您每多唸100遍之後, 用email回報您的持誦總數.
比如說, 您前天念了100遍, 可是今天又多念了200遍.
那就請email給周素卿 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw,
註明您的名字, 及持誦總數300遍(100+200)......依此類推.
(即由您自動累加總數, 而我們則以您最後的email資料為準.)
仁波切並未提及他將在何時再來電詢問, 所以也就不知道這項努力何時方歇,
我們懇請您若願意, 就多多持誦, 並密切回報.
由於此事頗為緊急, 現仍有許多朋友無法以email聯繫上,
若您個人發現有人不在這通知名單上的, 懇請您能夠幫忙聯絡. 非常感謝.
最後請注意, 任何回信請寄至 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw , 而不要用這封信"直接回覆",
周素卿 敬上
Dear friends,
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche says: "Those who have a Vajrayana link with me, meaning those who have had ngondro transmission or lung from me, I am requesting each of you to do just 100 of the 100 syllable Vajrasattva and dedicate the merit to the long life of Thrinley Norbu Rinpche so that he can continue to benefit many sentient beings."
Can you please make sure this information is disseminated to the sangha of people who are connected in this way to Rinpoche? And please keep track of the number of people who are doing this so Rinpoche can know how many were done.
Siddhartha's Intent
Dear friends,
Thanks for everybody's enthusiastic reaction.
We all hope that a great master like Thrinley Norbu Rinpoche can continue to stay in the world and benefit more sentient beings.
Let me explain here about the numbers:
Although Rinpoche is requesting each of us to recite only 100 times (i.e. one round of prayer beads), of course the more you do the better. Rinpoche would also like to know the final total number of the recitations.
Therefore, if you feel like reciting more you could email me the last total every day or, for example, after every extra 100 recitations. For instance, if a day earlier you recited 100 times, but today another 200 times, please email Ms. Zhou SuQing tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw your name and total number of 300 times (100+200). When you increase the numbers, we will use your last email's data as total.
Rinpoche did not mention when he would call again so we do not know when this mission would come to an end; therefore, please just recite as much as you can and keep us posted.
This matter is rather urgent yet many Dharma friends are not reachable by email, so if you know of anyone who is not on the contact list, we would be very thankful if you could deliver them the message.
Lastly, please send your emails to tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw, do not directly reply to this email. Aida is just doing the mailing for these couple of days.
We would once again like to express our deepest gratitude.
Siddhartha's Intent Buddhist Center
Zhou SuQing
Email請寄至 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw 周素卿
悉達多本願佛學會 敬上
我們大家都希望像聽列諾布仁波切這樣的大師能夠繼續住世, 利益更多的眾生.
雖然仁波切只要求我們每個人念100遍(也就是1圈), 但當然是能越多越好....
您可以在每天, 或甚至是您每多唸100遍之後, 用email回報您的持誦總數.
比如說, 您前天念了100遍, 可是今天又多念了200遍.
那就請email給周素卿 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw,
註明您的名字, 及持誦總數300遍(100+200)......依此類推.
(即由您自動累加總數, 而我們則以您最後的email資料為準.)
仁波切並未提及他將在何時再來電詢問, 所以也就不知道這項努力何時方歇,
我們懇請您若願意, 就多多持誦, 並密切回報.
由於此事頗為緊急, 現仍有許多朋友無法以email聯繫上,
若您個人發現有人不在這通知名單上的, 懇請您能夠幫忙聯絡. 非常感謝.
最後請注意, 任何回信請寄至 tara@earth.sinica.edu.tw , 而不要用這封信"直接回覆",
周素卿 敬上
Friday, December 02, 2005
Update on Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche's weekend schedule

Sat. 12/3 10:00 - 12:00 Teaching (topic undecided)
There will be a life-releasing event in Keelung in the afternoon.
Sun. 12/4 10:00 - 12:00 Teaching (topic undecided)
Admission to all events is open and free.
The teachings take place in the Siddhartha's Intent - Taipei center (see previous post for address).
Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche was recognized by Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and H.H. the 16th Karmapa, as the incarnation, along with Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, one of the greatest Tibetan masters of this century. Guru of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse, Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro was the activity emanation & throne holder of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, the great 19th century founder of the Rime, or non-sectarian, movement of Tibetan Buddhism.
Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche completed his traditional Buddhist studies first with his father Kangyur Rinpoche, later with Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse, Dudjom Rinpoche & other great masters within the Tibetan tradition. Rinpoche regularly teaches throughout Europe, the USA and Australia. He lives in Dordogne, France, directing retreats & seminars at the Centre d'Etudes de Chanteloube, the retreat facility founded by Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse in the Western hemisphere. Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche is also the supervisor for the work of the widely respected Padmakara Translation Group.
With an easy mastery of both French and English, his manner of teaching integrates authentic tradition with a manner of expression both highly original & contemporary.
12月3日(六) 10:00—12:00、
下午 仁波切 將帶領大家放生
12月4日(日) 10:00—12:00
教授內容:未定 ( 請仁波切決定中 )
悉達多本願佛學會 敬邀
吉美欽哲仁波切先是從其父親康珠爾仁波切處,接受了完整的傳統佛法教育,之後曾跟隨頂果欽哲仁波切、敦珠法王及其他偉大的藏傳佛教上師學習。仁波切在歐洲、美國、澳洲等地,皆有定期的弘法活動。目前仁波切住在法國西南部的多荷冬,並指導香特鹿佛學中心(Centre d'Etudes de Chanteloube)的閉關與佛法研習課程;此地的閉關中心,是頂果欽哲仁波切在西方世界首創的閉關中心。吉美欽哲仁波切同時也是舉世聞名蓮花部譯經小組(Padmakara Translation Group)的指導上師。
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche in XinDian, Taipei this weekend
We hear Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche is coming to Siddharthasintent - Taipei this weekend, and will give a teaching on Saturday morning. Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche is one of the incarnations of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Rinpoche.
Details to be updated.
電話:02-29158748 傳真:02-89193833
Email: siddwish@yahoo.com.tw
Siddhartha's Intent Taiwan
23Fl.-3, No. 47, BaoZhong Rd.,
XinDian City, Taipei County, Taiwan 231, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-29158748 Fax: 886-2-89193833
Details to be updated.
Patrul Rinpoche in Taiwan 2005
Dzogchen Ranyak Patrul Rinpoche
巴楚仁波切冬末弘法 - 中文
巴楚仁波切冬末弘法 - 中文
Rinpoche's remaining schedule in Taiwan:
12/02 Fri. 19:30 Empowerment of Guru Rinpoche for Wealth
12/03 Sat. 14:00 Empowerment of Yellow and Red Manjushri(s?)
12/04 Sun. 10:00 Retreat for long life & transmission of Longchen Nyinthik Preliminary Practice
Dzogchen Center Taipei
3F/53 MinQuan E. Road Section 3, Taipei City
台北市佐欽中心瑞竹林 -- 臺北市民權東路三段53號3樓
TEL (02)2517-6519
FAX (02)2517-6590
Contact: Ms. Dai 0926-129805
Email: dzogchentaipei@yahoo.com.tw
Monday, November 28, 2005
Garab Dorje Rinpoche's Tsok and Fire Puja in TaiZhong
Sunday, November 27
Friday, November 18, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Penor Rinpoche's Dharma events in Taiwan 2005 貝諾法王2005年臺灣弘法行程

地址:臺北市寧安街3巷10號5樓 電話:(02)2578-1737
林師兄 0920-883356、秋智慧 0935-950256
白玉祥丘達吉林 歐洲閉關中心
白玉祥丘達吉林 歐洲閉關中心
張師姐 0939-646-589、楊師姐 0932-041-094
8:30-12:00祈請 貝諾法王及所有上師長壽住世放生法會
法會地點:新莊體育館 (公車299、257)
電話:(02) 2662-4271 傳真:(02) 2778-5078
貝諾法王 台北巨蛋法會:
09:00-11:00 賢劫千佛大發願大回向法會:
11:00-11:30 請佛駐世
14:00-17:00 賢劫轉輪千王千佛灌頂
19:00-21:00 大圓滿密集精要長壽五方佛灌頂
21:00-21:30 圓滿回向
中華民國寧瑪巴聞思修佛學會 電話:02-22868887
10/21〈五〉20:00~10/24〈一〉6:00貝諾法王紐涅 ( 八關齋戒 )
報名電話 (04)22970672 葉師兄
法會地點:台中市文心國小大禮堂 洽葉師兄(04)22970672、0921740625
台中市文心路四段 329 號 7 樓
電話:(04) 2245-4672 傳真:(04) 2245-4653
1.蓮師薈供 2.迎請田喇嘛舍利供奉 3.供燈祈願
地址:台中縣大里市國光路二段769號5樓 電話:(04)24063648
法會地點:桃園住都大飯店 〈園市桃鶯路398號〉
法會地點:嘉義市啟智學校〈嘉義市世賢路二段 123 號〉
地址:嘉義市竹圍四路 130 號(世賢圖書館旁)
電話:05-2323380 、傳真:05-2323373
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
THE MIRROR OF ESSENTIAL POINTS - A Letter in Praise of Emptiness From Ven. Nyoshul Khenpo Jamyang Dorje to his Mother

I pay homage at the lotus feet of Tenpai Nyima, Who is inseparable from Dharma-lord Longchen Rabjam and perceives the natural state of emptiness of the ocean-like infinity of things.
A letter of advice I offer to you, my noble mother Paldzom; Listen for a while without distraction.
Staying here without discomfort, I am at ease and free from worries In a state of joyful mind. Are you well yourself, my dear mother?
Here, in a country to the West, there are many red and white skinned people. They have all kinds of magic and sights, like flying through the skies and moving like fish in the waters. Having mastery over the four elements, they compete in displaying miracles with thousands of beautiful colours.
There is an endless amount of spectacles, like designs of rainbow colours, but like a mere dream, when examined, they are the mistaken perceptions of the mind.
All activities are like the games children play; if done, they can never be finished. They are only completed once you let be, like castles made of sand.
But this is not the whole story; all the dharmas of Samsara and Nirvana, though thought to be permanent, they do not last. When examined, they are but empty forms, that appear without existence. Although unreal, they are thought to be real, and when examined, they are unreal like an illusion.
Look outward at the appearing objects, and like the water in a mirage, they are more delusive than delusion. Unreal like dreams and illusions, they resemble reflected moon and rainbows.
Look inward at your own mind! It seems quite exciting, when not examined. But when examined, there is nothing to it. Appearing without being, it is nothing but empty. It cannot be identified saying, "That's it!" But is evanescent and elusive like mist.
Look at whatever may appear In any of the ten directions. No matter how it may appear, the thing in itself, its very nature, is the sky-like nature of mind, beyond the projection and dissolution of thought and concept.
Everything has the nature of being empty. When the empty looks at the empty, who is there to look at something empty? What is the use of many classifications, such as 'being empty' and 'not empty' as it is illusion looking at illusion, and delusion watching delusion?
"The effortless and sky-like nature of the mind, the vast expanse of insight, Is the natural state of all things. In it, whatever you do is all right, however you rest, you are at ease." This was said by Jetsun Padmasambhava and the great siddha Saraha.
All the conceptual designs, such as "It's two!" or "It's not two!" Leave them like the waves on a river, to be spontaneously freed in themselves.
The great demon of ignorant and discursive thought causes one to sink in the ocean of samsara. But when freed from this discursive thought, there is the indescribable state, beyond conceptual mind.
Besides mere discursive thoughts, There is not even the words of 'samsara' and 'nirvana'. The total calming down of discursive thought Is the suchness of Dharmadhatu.
Not made complex by complex statements, this unfabricated single bindu is emptiness, the natural state of mind. So it was said by the Sugata.
The essence of whatever may appear, when simply left to itself, Is the unfabricated and uncorrupted view, the Dharmakaya, emptiness mother.
All discursive thought is emptiness, And the seer of the emptiness is discursive thought. Emptiness does not destroy discursive thought, And discursive thought does not block emptiness.
The fourfold emptiness of the mind itself Is the ultimate of everything. Profound and tranquil, free from complexity, uncompounded luminous clarity, beyond the mind of conceptual ideas: This is the depth of the mind of the Victorious Ones.
In this there is not a thing to be removed, nor anything that needs to be added. It is merely the immaculate looking naturally at itself.
In short, when the mind has fully severed the fetters of clinging to something, All the points are condensed therein. This is the tradition of the supreme being Tilopa And of the great pandita Naropa.
Such a profound natural state as this, Is among all the kinds of bliss, the wisdom of great bliss. Among all kinds of delight it is the king of supreme delight. It is the supreme fourth empowerment of all the tantric sections of the secret mantras. It is the ultimate pointing out instruction.
The view of 'Samsara and Nirvana Inseparable', and that of Mahamudra, of Dzogchen, the Middle Way and others, have many various titles but only one essential meaning. This is the view of Lama Mipham.
As an aid to this king of views one should begin with Bodhicitta, and conclude with dedication.
In order to cut off through skilful means the fixation on an ego, the root of Samsara, the king of all great methods is the unsurpassable Bodhicitta.
The king of perfect dedication Is the means for increasing the roots of virtue. This is the special teaching of Shakyamuni which is not found with other teachers.
To accomplish complete enlightenment more than this is not necessary but less than this will be incomplete. This swift path of the three excellences, called the heart, eye and lifeforce, is the approach of Longchen Rabjam.
Emptiness, the wish- fulfilling jewel, Is unattached generosity. It is uncorrupted discipline. It is angerless patience. It is undeluded exertion. It is undistracted meditation. It is the essence of prajna. It is the meaning in the three yanas.
Emptiness is the natural state of mind. Emptiness is the non-conceptual refuge. Emptiness is the Absolute Bodhicitta. Emptiness is the Vajrasattva of absolving evils. Emptiness is the Mandala of perfect accumulations. Emptiness is the Guru Yoga of Dharmakaya.
To abide in the natural state of emptiness Is the 'calm abiding' of shamatha, And to perceive it vividly clear is the 'clear seeing' of vipasyana.
The view of the perfect Development Stage, The wisdom of bliss and emptiness in the Completion Stage, The non-dual Great Perfection, And the single bindu of Dharmakaya, all these are included within it.
Emptiness purifies the karmas. Emptiness dispels the obstructing forces. Emptiness tames the demons. Emptiness accomplishes the deities.
The profound state of emptiness dries up the ocean of passion. It crumples the mountain of anger. It illuminates the darkness of stupidity. It calms down the gale of jealousy. It defeats the illness of the kleshas. It is a friend in sorrow. It destroys conceit in joy. It conquers in the battle with Samsara. It annihilates the four Maras. It turns the eight worldly dharmas into same taste. It subdues the demon of ego-fixation. It turns negative conditions into aids. It turns bad omens into good luck. It causes to manifest complete enlightenment. It gives birth to the Buddhas of the three times. Emptiness is the Dharmakaya mother.
There is no teaching higher than emptiness. There is no teaching swifter than emptiness. There is no teaching more excellent than emptiness. There is no teaching more profound than emptiness.
Emptiness is the 'knowing of one that frees all.' Emptiness is the supreme king of medicines. Emptiness is the nectar of immortality. Emptiness is spontaneous accomplishment beyond effort. Emptiness is enlightenment without exertion.
By meditating emptiness One feels tremendous compassion towards the beings obscured, like ourselves, by the belief in a self, and Bodhicitta arises without effort.
All qualities of the path and bhumis will appear naturally without any effort, and one will feel a heartfelt conviction regarding the law of the infallible effect of actions.
If one has but one moment of certainty In this kind of emptiness, the tight chain of ego-clinging will shatter into pieces. This was said by Aryadeva.
More supreme than offering to the Sugatas and their sons all the infinite Buddha fields filled with the offering of gods and men; Is to meditate on emptiness.
If the merit of resting evenly just for an instant in this natural state would take on concrete form, space could not contain it.
The peerless Lord of the sages, Sakyamuni, for the sake of this profound emptiness, threw his body into pyres of fire, gave away his head and limbs, and performed hundreds of other austerities.
Although you fill the world with huge mounds of presents of gold and jewels, this profound teaching on emptiness, even when searched for, is hard to find. This is said in the Hundred Thousand Verses of Prajna Paramita.
To meet this supreme teaching Is the splendid power of merit of many aeons beyond count.
In short, by means of emptiness, one is, for the benefit of oneself, liberated into the expanse of the unborn Dharmakaya, the manifest complete enlightenment of the four Kayas and the five Wisdoms. The unobstructed display of the Rupakaya will then ceaselessly arise to teach whoever is in need, by stirring the depths of Samsara for the benefit of others through constant, all-pervading spontaneous activity. In all the Sutras and Tantras this is said to be the ultimate fruition.
How can someone like me put into words All the benefits and virtues hereof, when the Victorious One with his vajra tongue cannot exhaust them, even if he speaks for an aeon?
The glorious Lord, the supreme teacher, who gives the teachings on emptiness, appears in the form of a human being, but his mind is truly a Buddha.
Without deceit and hypocrisy supplicate him from your very heart, And without needing any other expedient, you will attain enlightenment in this very life. This is the manner of the All-Embodying Jewel which is taught in the Tantras of the Great Perfection. When you have this jewel in the palm of your hand, do not let it meaninglessly go to waste.
Learning, like the stars in the sky, will never come to an end through studies. What is the use of all the various kinds of the many teachings requested and received? What is the use of any practice which is higher than emptiness?
Do not aim at having many ascetic costumes, such as carrying a staff and wearing braids and animal skins. Leaving the elephant back in your house, do not go searching for its footprints in the mountains.
Mother, meditate the essence of the mind, as it is taught by the guru, the Vajra Holder, and you will have the essence of the essence of all the eighty-four thousand teachings. It is the heart nectar of a billion Learned and accomplished ones. It is the ultimate practice.
This advice from the core of the heart of the fallen monk Jamyang Dorje, is the purest of the pure essence from the bindu of my life blood. Therefore keep it in your heart, mother. These few words of heart advice were written in a beautiful countryside, the city of the spacious blue sky, rivaling the splendour of divine realms.
To the devoted Chokyi Nodzom, my dear and loving mother, and to my own devoted students, I offer this letter of advice.
This letter to my students was composed by one who goes by the name 'Khenpo', the Tibetan Jamyang Dorje, in the Dordogne Herbal Valley of Great Bliss, in the country of France beyond the great ocean in the western direction.
May virtue and auspiciousness ensue!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Still time for the Wheel of Time - 達賴喇嘛傳授時輪金剛灌頂法會

Before the end of September there is still a chance to sign up for the Dalai Lama's 30th Kalachakra Empowerment, this time held exceptionally in Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, South India, the place where the Buddha first revealed the Kalachakra teachings.
在台灣,也可以九月底前聯絡上密院台北市佛教學會: fax 02 2759 4399
Monday, August 29, 2005
A word of joy for all the fans of peace & happiness; shake & shiver, gnomes and goblins!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I've gotta take my words back. Admittedly, it would be very easy- just edit them out from the previous post; but it's even better to deeply recognize your mistakes and thus receive purification, innit?
First, no bling. Puns are fun, but that was outta place in this case. Nothing bling about what was happening the other day at the Ministry of Sound Taipei- perhaps only that it was such an honor for the club to celebrate its reopening with Public Enemy, so I guess you could as well call it flashing off.
Second, however the Ministry handled the whole thing, the mere fact that they were able to bring the living legend to us weighs more than any bungle. Just a pity that because of deficient promotion so few a person could be part of the experience.
Or, possibly bling (say these words 6 times very fast!) after all- these guys are pure gold themselves. It was the best show I've seen in town, and that's almost a decade. The only comparable performance was (rap again! political again! I love these guys with a mission!) Beastie Boys' "Freedom For Tibet" gala a couple years ago in Taipei on the deserted wine factory grounds, right across from Sun Yat-Sen memorial, but because of the different premises (outdoor venue, various artists) it didn't rise to the level that Wednesday night at MoS took the people to.
I concede- I went there expecting to hear Flavor Flav, to see Terminator X behind turntables... For me, the epitome of rap has always been Public Enemy's 1988 "It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back", & I've been away from it all pretty seriously, so to see a different lineup was a bit of a disappointment- but that was just a flash. The band, to be more exact, Chuck D with Professor Griff and his 7th Octave + kick-butt DJ Lord, ah, not to forget the 2 burly "military movement squad" guys, were incredible. No need for Anthrax, give us ghetto metal! The guitarist amazed, Professor's screams in "Son of a Bush" (son of a baaaaa-a-a-aad maaa-a-aan!) sent shivers down the spine, and Chuck D JUST HAS THAT PRESENCE! Call him a superstar with a cause.
Those heavy beats still ROCK!
Mr. Chuck- we've taken your word on coming back to Taipei, Taiwan!
First, no bling. Puns are fun, but that was outta place in this case. Nothing bling about what was happening the other day at the Ministry of Sound Taipei- perhaps only that it was such an honor for the club to celebrate its reopening with Public Enemy, so I guess you could as well call it flashing off.
Second, however the Ministry handled the whole thing, the mere fact that they were able to bring the living legend to us weighs more than any bungle. Just a pity that because of deficient promotion so few a person could be part of the experience.
Or, possibly bling (say these words 6 times very fast!) after all- these guys are pure gold themselves. It was the best show I've seen in town, and that's almost a decade. The only comparable performance was (rap again! political again! I love these guys with a mission!) Beastie Boys' "Freedom For Tibet" gala a couple years ago in Taipei on the deserted wine factory grounds, right across from Sun Yat-Sen memorial, but because of the different premises (outdoor venue, various artists) it didn't rise to the level that Wednesday night at MoS took the people to.
I concede- I went there expecting to hear Flavor Flav, to see Terminator X behind turntables... For me, the epitome of rap has always been Public Enemy's 1988 "It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back", & I've been away from it all pretty seriously, so to see a different lineup was a bit of a disappointment- but that was just a flash. The band, to be more exact, Chuck D with Professor Griff and his 7th Octave + kick-butt DJ Lord, ah, not to forget the 2 burly "military movement squad" guys, were incredible. No need for Anthrax, give us ghetto metal! The guitarist amazed, Professor's screams in "Son of a Bush" (son of a baaaaa-a-a-aad maaa-a-aan!) sent shivers down the spine, and Chuck D JUST HAS THAT PRESENCE! Call him a superstar with a cause.
Those heavy beats still ROCK!
Mr. Chuck- we've taken your word on coming back to Taipei, Taiwan!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Public Enemy No. 1- Ministry of Sound!

Dang y'all at MoS Taipei! Did I sign up for the membership just for you to give me a knuckle-draggin' 24-HOUR NOTICE before you BLING THE NOISE- PUBLIC ENEMY?! Seems that you do have all the connections, but lack motivation or sumthin'... I dunno what these grandaddies of sociopolitical rap have been up to for the past decade, but before it they produced such pearls that they deserve due RESPECT! Anthrax would be the icing on the cake :)
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