尊貴的薩迦茶巴法王─秋吉崔欽仁波切,於 2007年 1月22日上午 6:45於尼泊爾示寂!
薩迦派在台灣的仁波切,如遍德仁波切、普拉仁波切等,以及堪布們、喇嘛們,將一起在1月23、24日, 於台北市錦州街 215號 5F薩迦中心 (02) 2567-6467、2581-4229,早上 8點 至下午 5點,共修上師相應法。
法王秋吉(究給)崔欽仁波切─拿旺堪惹列謝嘉秀(His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche─Ngawang Khyenrab Lekshe Gyatso)是藏傳佛教中「薩迦」傳承中最資深的喇嘛。仁波切是出名的密續大師、精進不懈的修行者、出色的學者及雄辯的詩人。仁波切体現出如來教法的智慧、精神及功德事業。
法王秋吉崔欽仁波切堪稱上師的上師,因為大部分藏傳佛教傳承的掌持者都是他弟子。當中包括達賴喇嘛(His Holiness the Dalai Lama)及薩迦天津法王(His Holiness Sakya Trizin)。
仁波切除了於藏傳喇嘛中廣受推崇外,尼泊爾的百仁扎國王(King Birendra)更為仁波切奉上「果卡達心」(Gorkha Dakshin Babu)這個吉祥的尊號(意指「西尼泊爾大導師」),此乃尼泊爾國王對佛教大師前所未有的讚頌。
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche, Ngawang Khyenrab Thupten Lekshe Gyatso, was the head of Tsharpa branch of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. As the most senior Sakya lama living, His Eminence was a renowned tantric master, a dedicated practitioner, an outstanding scholar and an eloquent poet. His Eminence embodied the wisdom, spirit and activities of the holy Dharma.
His Eminence was a master of masters as most Tibetan Buddhist lineage holders are his disciples. Amongst these disciples are His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His Holiness Sakya Trizin.
Perhaps one can begin to comprehend the greatness of His Eminence through the words of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who describes the great accomplishments of His Eminence as thus:
"There are many who have attained the wisdom arising from the study of the Scriptures. There are some who have attained the wisdom arising from contemplation of the Dharma. There are few who have gained wisdom arising from meditation. His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche is one who has attained all three wisdoms. One should consider oneself fortunate just to meet him, which is in itself a great blessing."
In addition to His Eminence's stature among Tibetan lamas, King Birendra of Nepal awarded His Eminence "Gorkha Dakshin Babu", a tribute which has never been awarded to a Buddhist monk in Nepal before.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche displayed entering Parinirvana at 6:45AM on January 22, 2007 in Nepal
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