Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Teachings on Uttaratantra Sutra


30 March – 1 April 2007

Registration Form

E-mail the completed registration form by 20 March

Full Name

Family Name: Given Name:

Contact Address

Phone No.

O( )

H( )



1. Please e-mail the completed registration form to the following address:


2. Ensure that the e-mail subject box is marked “Uttaratantra Sutra”. Otherwise, the e-mail will be treated as junk and deleted. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

niiet sellest Lauri mulle täna siis rääkiski. tore, tore.

hea mõte Silveri juures Taipeis kõikide eestlastega kokku saada, oleks põnev teie käikudest kuulda!

mul reede-laupäev kenasti vaba; pühapäeval enda sünnipäeva pidustused ja pulm Taichungis.
